Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Good morning to all legion college grads.
First I want to thank you for your dedicated work in membership.
I also want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May the new year bring you renewed passion for the world’s greatest and largest Veteran Service Organization.
Allow me to be a bit philosophical for the moment: it was taught to me that no matter of our success, we shall continue to learn and better ourselves in whatever our endeavors maybe. With that said, there is a wonderful upcoming opportunity for all of us to sharpen our skills and rejuvenate our minds.
This year’s National Grassroots Conference will be February 4-7, 2009 - Renaissance Vinoy Resort & Golf Club - St. Petersburg, FL. There are a range of topics you may find interesting. Such as:
- (Re)Building Your Grassroots Program
- How to Write Effective Messages
- Ethics & Transparency in Grassroots
- Finding & Training Your Key Contacts
- Speed Networking
- Web 2.0/Social Media Crash Course
- Grassroots and Diversity
- Effectively Involving Your Senior Management
- Integrating CSR and Grassroots Strategies
- Prioritizing Issues and Managing Demands
- Association Grassroots Management
- Grassroots Communication
- Embracing Social Media
As you can see, there is something for everyone there. I have always heard that volunteer management is difficult, and our most profound challenge is to motivate and utilize our dedicated workers effectively. I believe this conference will give you some ideas and help you with your work at the department level.
To view a complete agenda please go to http://pac.org/conferences/grassroots/agenda
You can also visit http://pac.org/conferences/grassroots/registration for registration information. Note: we are not a member of the Public Affairs Council and will have to pay the non-member registration fee if attending.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
First I want to thank you for your dedicated work in membership.
I also want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May the new year bring you renewed passion for the world’s greatest and largest Veteran Service Organization.
Allow me to be a bit philosophical for the moment: it was taught to me that no matter of our success, we shall continue to learn and better ourselves in whatever our endeavors maybe. With that said, there is a wonderful upcoming opportunity for all of us to sharpen our skills and rejuvenate our minds.
This year’s National Grassroots Conference will be February 4-7, 2009 - Renaissance Vinoy Resort & Golf Club - St. Petersburg, FL. There are a range of topics you may find interesting. Such as:
- (Re)Building Your Grassroots Program
- How to Write Effective Messages
- Ethics & Transparency in Grassroots
- Finding & Training Your Key Contacts
- Speed Networking
- Web 2.0/Social Media Crash Course
- Grassroots and Diversity
- Effectively Involving Your Senior Management
- Integrating CSR and Grassroots Strategies
- Prioritizing Issues and Managing Demands
- Association Grassroots Management
- Grassroots Communication
- Embracing Social Media
As you can see, there is something for everyone there. I have always heard that volunteer management is difficult, and our most profound challenge is to motivate and utilize our dedicated workers effectively. I believe this conference will give you some ideas and help you with your work at the department level.
To view a complete agenda please go to http://pac.org/conferences/grassroots/agenda
You can also visit http://pac.org/conferences/grassroots/registration for registration information. Note: we are not a member of the Public Affairs Council and will have to pay the non-member registration fee if attending.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Monday, December 15, 2008
eligibility question
I received an email today regarding the eligibility of Lebanon and Grenada veterans. apparently there are some confusions... here is my reply, with some research, i think will benefit you in case you are being asked the same questions...
Here is the original message:
"Maybe I am looking in the wrong areas but when I look for eligibility for the Grenada area, it either don't show up or I see a statement such as "Congress has not enacted legislation that would make the periods covering the 1983-1984 Lebanon crisis or the invasions of Grenada and Panama wartime service.92". Can you link me to something or send me a congress act which declares this as a wartime? I guess I am one of them stubborn ones that just have to see it in writing somewhere. You attention to this is appreciated. ....And "Merry Christmas" to You and all your Staff!"
In effect, Lebanon and Grenada are not Congressionally declared wars. Since the Constitution of the United States divides the war powers of the federal government between the Executive and Legislative branches: the President is the Commander in Chief of the armed forces (Article II, section 2), while Congress has the power to make declarations of war, and to raise and support the armed forces (Article I, section 8). Over time, questions arose as to the extent of the President's authority to deploy U.S. armed forces into hostile situations abroad without a declaration of war or some other form of Congressional approval. Congress passed the War Powers Resolution of 1973 in the aftermath of the Vietnam War to address these concerns and provide a set of procedures for both the President and Congress to follow in situations where the introduction of U.S. forces abroad could lead to their involvement in armed conflict.
The War Powers Resolution of 1973 is a United States federal law providing that the President can send U.S. armed forces into action abroad only by authorization of Congress or if the United States is already under attack or serious threat. The War Powers Resolution requires that the president notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days without an authorization of the use of military force or a declaration of war.
After Republican President Ronald W. Reagan dispatched U.S. Marines to Lebanon in 1982, he reported to Congress, along the lines mandated in the War Powers Act. With a Republican majority in the Senate but a substantial Democratic majority in the House of Representatives, Reagan's military initiative encountered considerable opposition in Congress, resulting in persistent challenges to the deployment of troops in Beirut. The congressional challenges, motivated primarily by narrowly partisan political considerations, weakened and undermined the Reagan Presidency's negotiating position with Syria and with the various warring political factions in Lebanon, thereby making the situation in which the Marines were involved a whole lot more dangerous than it would been in the absence of congressional challenges.
In late 1983, however, congressional leaders worked out a compromise authorizing the President to keep the Marines in Lebanon for a period of eighteen months. Approved by the two houses of Congress, the compromise was sent to the President for his signature.
In other military actions initiated by President Reagan, he proceeded without invoking the War Powers Act and, in general, acted as if his military initiatives did not require congressional authorization in advance. A notable example was the U.S. invasion of Grenada on October 25, 1983. Seeing a serious threat to American national interests in the southern Caribbean region, Regan had the National Security Council and Joint Chiefs of Staff draw up a plan for the U.S. military operation in Grenada, explained the situation to Democratic House Speaker Thomas P. "Tip" O'Neill, and informed him of the presidential decision that had already been made, as regards what was to be done about the situation. Speaker O'Neill, top leader of the overwhelming Democratic majority in the House of Representatives, indicated that, if the Grenada mission turned sour, Congress would not accept responsibility for the fiasco, that responsibility for the disaster (and its attendant political costs) would be borne either by the President alone or by the President and the Republican Party. Accepting responsibility for the operation, Reagan sent U.S. military forces to Grenada, effecting liberation of the small island nation from the Marxist-Leninist (Communist), pro-Cuban dictatorship that had been established through a coup d'etat.
Shortly after the American invasion of Grenada had begun, all resistance was overcome, since the greater part of the Grenadan population welcomed the invading forces as liberators. A rapid sequence of events ensued: U.S. citizens were safely evacuated from the island, the Cuban agents and so called "construction workers" (in reality, heavily armed and well trained paramilitary personnel) were expelled, the despotic Marxist- Leninist regime was overthrown, and a political coalition committed to democratic elections and more favorably disposed toward American interests was allowed to assume governing authority. Faced with a fait accompli, the U.S. Congress, after the fact, applied the War Powers Act, declining to grant an extension to the 60-day time limit and, in effect, requiring U.S. military forces to be removed from Grenada no later than December 25, 1983. However, the U.S. troops did not leave Grenada until June, 1985.
Therefore, the mechanism was there to enact the War Powers Resolution to justify Lebanon and Grenada, President Regan, however, did not fulfill his executive duties in compliance with Congress to resolve the conflict.
The Department of VA at this time does not recognize Servicemembers of this conflict to be eligible for wartime benefits. Therefore, The American Legion in support of our fellow veterans and recognizing their sacrifices, at the 19th Convention, passed a resolution to recognize operations in these countries. Please visit http://www.legion.org/documents/resolutions/08n124.pdf for review of this resolution.
To conclude, please keep in mind that The American Legion, although federally chartered, is a grassroots organization guided by the collective wisdoms of our membership. While our dates of eligibility reflects Congressionally declared period of war, it is not strictly bounded by congressional actions. Our eligibility dates are solely determined by our membership, amended at times to reflect the need for service to our fellow veterans. Under these conditions, The American Legion has seen fit to expand our eligibility dates to those veterans thereby ensuring their protection under civil engagements.
Here is the original message:
"Maybe I am looking in the wrong areas but when I look for eligibility for the Grenada area, it either don't show up or I see a statement such as "Congress has not enacted legislation that would make the periods covering the 1983-1984 Lebanon crisis or the invasions of Grenada and Panama wartime service.92". Can you link me to something or send me a congress act which declares this as a wartime? I guess I am one of them stubborn ones that just have to see it in writing somewhere. You attention to this is appreciated. ....And "Merry Christmas" to You and all your Staff!"
In effect, Lebanon and Grenada are not Congressionally declared wars. Since the Constitution of the United States divides the war powers of the federal government between the Executive and Legislative branches: the President is the Commander in Chief of the armed forces (Article II, section 2), while Congress has the power to make declarations of war, and to raise and support the armed forces (Article I, section 8). Over time, questions arose as to the extent of the President's authority to deploy U.S. armed forces into hostile situations abroad without a declaration of war or some other form of Congressional approval. Congress passed the War Powers Resolution of 1973 in the aftermath of the Vietnam War to address these concerns and provide a set of procedures for both the President and Congress to follow in situations where the introduction of U.S. forces abroad could lead to their involvement in armed conflict.
The War Powers Resolution of 1973 is a United States federal law providing that the President can send U.S. armed forces into action abroad only by authorization of Congress or if the United States is already under attack or serious threat. The War Powers Resolution requires that the president notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days without an authorization of the use of military force or a declaration of war.
After Republican President Ronald W. Reagan dispatched U.S. Marines to Lebanon in 1982, he reported to Congress, along the lines mandated in the War Powers Act. With a Republican majority in the Senate but a substantial Democratic majority in the House of Representatives, Reagan's military initiative encountered considerable opposition in Congress, resulting in persistent challenges to the deployment of troops in Beirut. The congressional challenges, motivated primarily by narrowly partisan political considerations, weakened and undermined the Reagan Presidency's negotiating position with Syria and with the various warring political factions in Lebanon, thereby making the situation in which the Marines were involved a whole lot more dangerous than it would been in the absence of congressional challenges.
In late 1983, however, congressional leaders worked out a compromise authorizing the President to keep the Marines in Lebanon for a period of eighteen months. Approved by the two houses of Congress, the compromise was sent to the President for his signature.
In other military actions initiated by President Reagan, he proceeded without invoking the War Powers Act and, in general, acted as if his military initiatives did not require congressional authorization in advance. A notable example was the U.S. invasion of Grenada on October 25, 1983. Seeing a serious threat to American national interests in the southern Caribbean region, Regan had the National Security Council and Joint Chiefs of Staff draw up a plan for the U.S. military operation in Grenada, explained the situation to Democratic House Speaker Thomas P. "Tip" O'Neill, and informed him of the presidential decision that had already been made, as regards what was to be done about the situation. Speaker O'Neill, top leader of the overwhelming Democratic majority in the House of Representatives, indicated that, if the Grenada mission turned sour, Congress would not accept responsibility for the fiasco, that responsibility for the disaster (and its attendant political costs) would be borne either by the President alone or by the President and the Republican Party. Accepting responsibility for the operation, Reagan sent U.S. military forces to Grenada, effecting liberation of the small island nation from the Marxist-Leninist (Communist), pro-Cuban dictatorship that had been established through a coup d'etat.
Shortly after the American invasion of Grenada had begun, all resistance was overcome, since the greater part of the Grenadan population welcomed the invading forces as liberators. A rapid sequence of events ensued: U.S. citizens were safely evacuated from the island, the Cuban agents and so called "construction workers" (in reality, heavily armed and well trained paramilitary personnel) were expelled, the despotic Marxist- Leninist regime was overthrown, and a political coalition committed to democratic elections and more favorably disposed toward American interests was allowed to assume governing authority. Faced with a fait accompli, the U.S. Congress, after the fact, applied the War Powers Act, declining to grant an extension to the 60-day time limit and, in effect, requiring U.S. military forces to be removed from Grenada no later than December 25, 1983. However, the U.S. troops did not leave Grenada until June, 1985.
Therefore, the mechanism was there to enact the War Powers Resolution to justify Lebanon and Grenada, President Regan, however, did not fulfill his executive duties in compliance with Congress to resolve the conflict.
The Department of VA at this time does not recognize Servicemembers of this conflict to be eligible for wartime benefits. Therefore, The American Legion in support of our fellow veterans and recognizing their sacrifices, at the 19th Convention, passed a resolution to recognize operations in these countries. Please visit http://www.legion.org/documents/resolutions/08n124.pdf for review of this resolution.
To conclude, please keep in mind that The American Legion, although federally chartered, is a grassroots organization guided by the collective wisdoms of our membership. While our dates of eligibility reflects Congressionally declared period of war, it is not strictly bounded by congressional actions. Our eligibility dates are solely determined by our membership, amended at times to reflect the need for service to our fellow veterans. Under these conditions, The American Legion has seen fit to expand our eligibility dates to those veterans thereby ensuring their protection under civil engagements.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
If you have a second, please take this survey... it's a communication audit conducted by the national headuqarters...
thank you
thank you
Monday, December 1, 2008
Major Themes from the NALC Survey
What do you tell others when they ask you about your membership in The American Legion?
I am a member of “largest and best” organization for U.S. veterans of war time
I describe the many programs and interactions with the community
I am a part of an organizations for veterans, that helps other veterans and builds relationships with veterans
What do you value most about your membership in The American Legion?
Making a difference in the lives of veterans
Building comradeship with other members
Helping the community through Legion programs
What led you to join The American Legion in the first place?
Someone asked me to join
Sought a sense of fellowship and belonging
Family history
Wanted to give back to the veterans and community
Based upon your own experiences, what do members at the local, post level think or say about The American Legion?
They worry about the increasing age of membership, remember the “good old days”
They hold the organization in high regard
They value the contributions they make to the community and the support they provide for one another
They want more interaction and direction from the top
Based upon your own observations, what do others in the local community – non-members – think or say about The American Legion?
·The people who know about the Legion and its programs love it and appreciate all that they do
·The people who don’t know about the Legion believe it is a place for “old guys to drink”
·Many people don’t know the American Legion exists
Thinking of The American Legion’s vision for a strong America:
● Strong National Security
● Taking Care of Veterans
● Mentoring Youth
● Promoting Patriotism and Honor
How would you synthesize these four pillars of service into a single, simple paragraphthat explains the Legion’s reason for being? Assume you were writing this for a family member or friend to explain why you are a member of The American Legion.
·Several members described the American Legion as a family who supports each other and supports the four pillars.
·Several members mentioned the American Legion as a continued commitment and service to their country.
·Many members also listed their actions and activities which help fellow veterans, the youth, the community and the country.
Considering the future, what do you think are The American Legion’s three greatest opportunities for growth and recognition at the national level? At the local, post level?
Note: The major opportunities for national and local were often the same.
·Creating cyber posts
·Increasing advertising and public relations
·Increasing membership and membership involvement
·Reaching out to Vietnam veterans
If you have any additional questions please feel free to ask.
I am a member of “largest and best” organization for U.S. veterans of war time
I describe the many programs and interactions with the community
I am a part of an organizations for veterans, that helps other veterans and builds relationships with veterans
What do you value most about your membership in The American Legion?
Making a difference in the lives of veterans
Building comradeship with other members
Helping the community through Legion programs
What led you to join The American Legion in the first place?
Someone asked me to join
Sought a sense of fellowship and belonging
Family history
Wanted to give back to the veterans and community
Based upon your own experiences, what do members at the local, post level think or say about The American Legion?
They worry about the increasing age of membership, remember the “good old days”
They hold the organization in high regard
They value the contributions they make to the community and the support they provide for one another
They want more interaction and direction from the top
Based upon your own observations, what do others in the local community – non-members – think or say about The American Legion?
·The people who know about the Legion and its programs love it and appreciate all that they do
·The people who don’t know about the Legion believe it is a place for “old guys to drink”
·Many people don’t know the American Legion exists
Thinking of The American Legion’s vision for a strong America:
● Strong National Security
● Taking Care of Veterans
● Mentoring Youth
● Promoting Patriotism and Honor
How would you synthesize these four pillars of service into a single, simple paragraphthat explains the Legion’s reason for being? Assume you were writing this for a family member or friend to explain why you are a member of The American Legion.
·Several members described the American Legion as a family who supports each other and supports the four pillars.
·Several members mentioned the American Legion as a continued commitment and service to their country.
·Many members also listed their actions and activities which help fellow veterans, the youth, the community and the country.
Considering the future, what do you think are The American Legion’s three greatest opportunities for growth and recognition at the national level? At the local, post level?
Note: The major opportunities for national and local were often the same.
·Creating cyber posts
·Increasing advertising and public relations
·Increasing membership and membership involvement
·Reaching out to Vietnam veterans
If you have any additional questions please feel free to ask.
Monday, November 17, 2008
The American Legion launches VetCam, a free one-on-one video conferencing – to enable you to talk face-to-face with friends and family across town or overseas; one-on-one; or with several people at a time.
Members of The American Legion, as well as members of the United States Armed Forces (active duty, Reserve and National Guard), their families and friends, are welcome to use this complimentary technology to remain connected with those people most important to you.
Visit http://vetcam.ncbintl.com/ for more information.
Members of The American Legion, as well as members of the United States Armed Forces (active duty, Reserve and National Guard), their families and friends, are welcome to use this complimentary technology to remain connected with those people most important to you.
Visit http://vetcam.ncbintl.com/ for more information.
Friday, November 14, 2008
2008 Legion College Grads
Here is a link to Legion TV with video recordings of our most recent grads and their thoughts...
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Do you really think debates make a difference now?
Statistics are showing that debates don't make much of a difference at this stage of the game. Everyone has picked their candidates and are ready to defend them, right or wrong.
Are we so apathetic that we really allow the media to sway us in our beliefs? What's happened to us? No more porches, no more getting to know your neighbors, no more time to enjoy the good things in life. Taking a walk, laughing with friends, listening to your kids. I guess I'm getting old!!!
Are we so apathetic that we really allow the media to sway us in our beliefs? What's happened to us? No more porches, no more getting to know your neighbors, no more time to enjoy the good things in life. Taking a walk, laughing with friends, listening to your kids. I guess I'm getting old!!!
Monday, September 15, 2008
"Best of the Best"
As you think back over your Legion College experience, is their a particular moment that stands out? What class or event has been your personal favorite to participate in?
Friday, September 5, 2008
Web page for Legion College Alumni
I am looking for input on developing a web site for the NALCAA. I have the web master but need your ideas on what should be on our site.
Keith Kerbaugh
President NALCAA
Class of 2006
Keith Kerbaugh
President NALCAA
Class of 2006
Friday, August 29, 2008
In Memory of William John Cowie, November 23, 1963 - August 26, 2008

WILLIAM JOHN “WILL” COWIE, 44, of Stark, NH died unexpectedly Tuesday, August 26, 2008 after an electrocution accident at work in Wilmington, New York.
Born November 23, 1963 in Saugus, Mass a son of Edward F. and Elaine M. (Mattos) Cowie; he was a resident of Stark since 2000 coming from Carlyle, Mass.
Will graduated in 1981 from Burlington High School in Burlington, Mass. During High school he was a member of the All State and District Chorus and played the lead roll in “Guys and Dolls. After high school he joined the U.S. Air Force and proudly served his country with the 819th Red Horse Squadron from 1983-1987 and then again from 2002-2005 in the with the National Guard and the Maine Air National Guard 265th CBCS/ACC.
In 1995 he attended college and obtained his certification in small scale farm management, animal breeding and horse sciences then in 1997he received his Level II Municipal Waste Water Treatment Operators Certificate. From 1988 until 2007 he owned and operated Red Horse Construction Company and he was employed at the Graymist Farm in Groveton for a few years.
Will was currently employed by Transformers Service Inc. in Concord, NH.
Through out the years he was very active with the American Legion in both Groveton and Colebrook, he was past Commander, District 8; Past Adjutant Post #17; Chairman Leadership Committee; 2006 graduate National American Legion College.
Will was Treasurer for the Coos County UNHCE (County and State Advisory Council Rep.); North Country Council Economic Development/Trans/Plan Rep for Stark; Coos Economic Development Corp.; State OMK Committee with the NH 4-H, Guard Bureau; Past Stark Planning Board member; and past member of the Stark Volunteer Fire Department.
His hobbies included raising Siberian Huskies and amateur sled dog racing; recreational hiking and biking; and local politics. Will is on the State of New Hampshire September 9, 2008 ballot for State Representative. He was a member of the Yankee Siberian Husky Club and the Patriot Siberian Husky Rescue League.
Will was a true patriot and had many friends and was loved by all, he will be greatly missed and will never be forgotten for his sense of humor, integrity, leadership, and commitment to civic duty.
Will is survived by his wife of 18 years Margaret(Mize) Cowie of Stark; his mother Elaine Cowie of Billerica, Mass.; grandmother Marie Masci or Arlington, Mass.; his “Kids” Sasha; Isabella and Duke; sister Maria Reddington of Arlington, Mass.; brother Michael Cowie of Lynne, Mass. and sister Susan Cowie of Florida; aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews.
He was predeceased by his father Edward Cowie in 1989 and his “son” Ivan.
Calling hours will be held on Tuesday, September 2, 2008 from 6-9 pm at the Armstrong-Charron Funeral Home in Groveton. Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Wednesday, September 3, 2008 at 11:00 am the St. Francis Xavier Church in Groveton, with Fr. Daniel Deveau, pastor officiating. Inurnment of cremains will be at a later date in the Veterans Cemetery in Boscawen, NH.
In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made in Will’s name to either the Patriot Siberian Husky Rescue League; at www.pshr.org.; or to the 4-H Foundation of NH-memorial William J. Cowie; Moiles House; 180 Main Street; Durham, NH 03824.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Sad News Concerning a fellow graduate...
It is with a heavy heart that I report the passing of a fellow NALC Graduate. William "Willy" Cowie (Class of 2006, Department of NH) passed away as a result of a tragic and unexpected accident the morning of August 26th. You can view the obituary and sign a guest book at the following website: www.armstrongcharronfuneralhome.com
I apologize if I have erred in posting this information on this blog. I felt that word needed to get out to all NALC Alumni.
Wayne Beauregard
Class of 2002
Dept. of NH
I apologize if I have erred in posting this information on this blog. I felt that word needed to get out to all NALC Alumni.
Wayne Beauregard
Class of 2002
Dept. of NH
Friday, August 8, 2008
Welcome new bloggers
Good morning Legion College Graduates, I want to welcome the new bloggers this morning. Ms. Katrina Bentley from Idaho. I hope she will share with us her experiences and her adventures.
There is another feature i want all our official bloggers to try. You can set up your cell phone with this blogger account and this feature will allow you to take pictures on the go to send it directly to the blog... this is a exciting way to share with our readers the many places you visited on your Legion travels.
If you are interested on how to use this, please feel free to ask me...
There is another feature i want all our official bloggers to try. You can set up your cell phone with this blogger account and this feature will allow you to take pictures on the go to send it directly to the blog... this is a exciting way to share with our readers the many places you visited on your Legion travels.
If you are interested on how to use this, please feel free to ask me...
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
The American Legion Online Updates
Dear Legion College Grads...
I am sure if you are keeping up with the Legion current action plans, you have seen the new Legion Online Updates. Well, we just launched The American Legion Online Updates and Discussions blog. The Address is at http://americanlegiononline.blogspot.com
Come and visit. Share your thoughts on the topics you seen. Talk with our editors and let the other legionnaires know your opinion...
Let's make it fun...
I am sure if you are keeping up with the Legion current action plans, you have seen the new Legion Online Updates. Well, we just launched The American Legion Online Updates and Discussions blog. The Address is at http://americanlegiononline.blogspot.com
Come and visit. Share your thoughts on the topics you seen. Talk with our editors and let the other legionnaires know your opinion...
Let's make it fun...
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
My Real Life Tour, Michael Peterson
The Michael Peterson "My Real Life Tour" is now in Knoxville TN and will visit nine more cities. I spent yesterday with the tour...I witnessed a press conference and several radio/television interviews as well as a performance at the UT Medical Center. I encourage you to visit www.myreallifetour.com for tour dates and updates. I also want to thank
TN Post 2 and their commander, NALC 2007 classmate Marty Everett for their Herculean efforts to put the show on as well as the week-long events.
TN Post 2 and their commander, NALC 2007 classmate Marty Everett for their Herculean efforts to put the show on as well as the week-long events.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Dave Elmore
I talked to Dave over the phone on Friday... he's doing well except all of the hurry up and wait army stuff... His new address is
MSG David Elmore
Task Force 113
845 Hase Rd Ste. 102
Ft. Stewart GA 31314
His address will change once he deploys, but this address is good until the end of FEB
MSG David Elmore
Task Force 113
845 Hase Rd Ste. 102
Ft. Stewart GA 31314
His address will change once he deploys, but this address is good until the end of FEB
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Friday, January 4, 2008
Count me in!!! I will send as much as I can to Dave. If someone can post his address and his needs I will try to get anything he wants and send it to him.
Chris "Group 3's Computer Geek" Sandoval
Chris "Group 3's Computer Geek" Sandoval
Why don't we as NALC Marty Conatser Class of 2007 adopt Dave Elsmore during his tour in Iraq. We could send him care packages, etc. We would need a contact at National to see what he needs are as his tour progresses. The contact could post the items needed on this blog. We would each claim part of what he needs (you could list what items your taking care of in the comments section of the blog) and send it to Dave individually. The contact would have to provide us with Dave's address. This would make a great class project. Dave did a great job for us at NALC and this is a way to say thanks for that, but also for his service!
Dave from NH
Dave from NH
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Happy New Year
Happy New Year everyone!!! With the coming of 2008, Dave Elmore is headed to Iraq, Bill and I are bubble wrapping all of Dave's stuff in his office... and the Lergion College DVD is finally out!!! You will receive the DVDs in the next few weeks or so...
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