This blog will be used to discuss issues, questions, concerns and ideas dealing with a wide range of topics, relating to The American Legion. As National Legion College Graduates, we hope you will utilize your knowledge of The American Legion to engage and challenge your fellow graduates. We hope you will lead this organization to face the challenges ahead. There are no formal guidelines to how to blog. We encourage everyone to comment.

The American Legion Headline Animator

Monday, January 7, 2008

Dave Elmore

I talked to Dave over the phone on Friday... he's doing well except all of the hurry up and wait army stuff... His new address is

MSG David Elmore
Task Force 113
845 Hase Rd Ste. 102
Ft. Stewart GA 31314

His address will change once he deploys, but this address is good until the end of FEB

Saturday, January 5, 2008

This, of course, is a great idea and I'll be on boaard with the project. Dave may take the "I'm all set" approach, so his needs may extend to the troups he comes into contact with. Steve Silvestri, Mass.

Friday, January 4, 2008


Count me in!!! I will send as much as I can to Dave. If someone can post his address and his needs I will try to get anything he wants and send it to him.

Chris "Group 3's Computer Geek" Sandoval
Why don't we as NALC Marty Conatser Class of 2007 adopt Dave Elsmore during his tour in Iraq. We could send him care packages, etc. We would need a contact at National to see what he needs are as his tour progresses. The contact could post the items needed on this blog. We would each claim part of what he needs (you could list what items your taking care of in the comments section of the blog) and send it to Dave individually. The contact would have to provide us with Dave's address. This would make a great class project. Dave did a great job for us at NALC and this is a way to say thanks for that, but also for his service!

Dave from NH

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone!!! With the coming of 2008, Dave Elmore is headed to Iraq, Bill and I are bubble wrapping all of Dave's stuff in his office... and the Lergion College DVD is finally out!!! You will receive the DVDs in the next few weeks or so...
