This blog will be used to discuss issues, questions, concerns and ideas dealing with a wide range of topics, relating to The American Legion. As National Legion College Graduates, we hope you will utilize your knowledge of The American Legion to engage and challenge your fellow graduates. We hope you will lead this organization to face the challenges ahead. There are no formal guidelines to how to blog. We encourage everyone to comment.

The American Legion Headline Animator

Thursday, November 8, 2007

It's an experience!

At first our group had a little adjustment to do with each other, by day 2 we had "gelled". We have worked together well. Everyone has contributed and there is a bond towards the common goal. Keep in mind that it is all a "work in progress" and is being accomplished.

"Job Well Done" Group 3!

Once we refine, tweak and complete our STRAT Plan we'll all be content.

Best O' luck. Al C

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